2015年12月28日 星期一

Log-linear transformation

Log-linear transformationDSE Maths Core好鍾意問嘅類型,可以話年年都有一條,MC同埋長題目(Section B)都問過。睇落好似好複雜,不只要明白個操,就會覺得好簡單。覺難係因為書係完完全全冇教到。

By definition, log-linear transformation is the process of transforming function [exponential function (y=abx) or power function (y=axn)] into linear form by taking log.

簡單D講,log-linear transformation有兩個type(case)
Type 1 (Case 1): y=abx
Type 2 (Case 2): y=axn
個操就係將左右take log, 之後將條式變到好似Equation of a Straight Line 咁。

首先你要知道咩係Equation of a Straight Line。在x-y coordinate plane 上嘅直線,都可以以Equation of a Straight Line(直線方程)去表達。
‘y’: y-axis 表達嘅野
m: slope
‘x’: x-axis 表達嘅野
c: y-intercept

Type 1 (Case 1): y=abx

Type 2 (Case 2): y=axn

你會係幅圖搵到你要嘅野例如slope/y-int. 有時會唔俾式你,要你由幅圖有嘅搵番條式。有時個log base唔係10,又可能直情俾兩個唔同嘅log base。當遇到就諗下啦。

DSE Past Paper

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